2021 Heritage Toronto Awards - Community Heritage Nomination Form

Organization Information

This may either be the website where the project is hosted, or where centralized information about the project may be found.
Address *

Nominator - Contact Information

Organization - Contact Information

Organization Representative

Please provide contact details for one person who will represent the organization during the virtual Heritage Toronto Awards event to accept the award, should the organization win.
Relationship of the Representative to the Organization

Nomination Materials

You may provide the required nomination materials in the text boxes below. You may also upload your answers as a link to a cloud sharing service (ie. Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.) OR by uploading your answers as separate attached files. If you are submitting your answers as attached files or via a Cloud link, please write "see attached" for all text boxes below.
Organization Images/Media (at least 1 image must be submitted to represent the organization)

Maximum file size: 52.43MB

Large files may prevent the system from letting you submit your nomination. If you are experiencing any issues with this, we recommend using a cloud-share service (like Dropbox) to submit your files.
Please list all associated photographers, graphic designers, and other contributors. Heritage Toronto will use the media provided in this nomination for programming and marketing purposes, as it pertains to the Heritage Toronto Awards and any other educational programming regarding this organization. Any restrictions to this have been communicated through the image credits provided.
Organization Logo (Optional)

Maximum file size: 52.43MB

Alternate Submission Method (Optional)

You may provide your nomination materials as a link to a cloud-based file sharing service (ie. Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.). This may be useful for those hoping to submit large-sized files as part of their nomination package. This is optional and does not have to be completed if you have completed all sections of the nomination form above.
This link must contain all the required nomination materials. Materials will be downloaded and shared with the Jury.
I confirm that the above link contains the following materials:
Please refer to the Criteria and Submission Requirements for a complete list of the submission requirements with regards to these materials.